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How compassion can build connection in times of adversity

Covid19 has seen so many changes in households, families and relationships, as we find ourselves stuck together under one roof which can easily bring tension, anger, pain and frustration to the surface and to a point that we can no longer ignore our fundamental needs or the grudges confessions and stories of pain that we hold between us.

Compassionate communication has really changed the way that I have conversations with my family and the people that matter to me. It has really helped me to see conflict as an opportunity for growth, connection and understanding and I find myself falling more "in love" with the people around me instead of disconnecting and moving away from the pain that I cannot understand.

After years of feeling frustrated because I didn't know how to express myself in a way that invites connection or to hear my parents from a place of understanding their true longings and wishes. I am now communicating differently, with compassion, honesty and empathy as my base. I now feel much more confident about developing authentic and long lasting connections with my family, my loved ones and my colleagues.

So I would love to share these tools with you..

The practice of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) offers simple but extremely powerful tools , to better understand ourselves and each other and to find solutions that work for everyone through observation, compassion and honesty.

In an introductory course with me you will learn:

- How to communicate with sincerity and honesty without judgement or criticizing?

- How to listen to others with curiosity and presence which brings trust into the relationship?

- How to listen to yourself and recognize your deepest needs?

- How to find a connection in conflict?

- How can empathy help us to understand our uncomfortable feelings?

- and much much more!

To see my upcoming courses see:

I hope to see you there!


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